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Society of Housing Leaders (SoHL)


Formerly known as National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), SoHL seeks to recognize and honor students who have shown commitment to leadership, service, scholarship, recognition, and inclusivity on campus and in the community.  SoHL is an active organization that provides leadership opportunities, programs, projects, and activities to all on-campus residents including leadership retreats, recognition weeks, and the distribution of care packages.

Students who display exemplary leadership ability in their halls or who desire to develop their leadership skills are encouraged to apply for SoHL.  New members are selected each semester from applications received and reviewed by a selection committee.  Meetings are open, and all residence hall students can attend as candidate members.  Please reach out to your Hall Director, RA, or the SoHL Executive Board if you are interested in applying.

SoHL Meetings

8:00pm | Mondays | Hilltop Lounge |

SoHL Staff

President – Erin Caner
Vice President of Administration – Vacant
Vice President of Finance – Emma Eggleston
Vice President of Conferences – Katelyn Balcerak
Vice President of Outreach – Meghan Rose
Vice President of Recognition – Brooke Oswald
Vice President of Service – Lex Reichstadt

Advisor – Thea Ranis (
Advisor – Andrew Sella (
Advisor – Linda Pratt (

Leadership Retreat

SoHL sponsors an exciting overnight leadership training retreat at Beaver Creek in the fall as well as a one day retreat on campus in the spring.

Service and Recognition Initiatives

SoHL provides the following options for family and friends to support their students and contribute to programming and recognition for students in the residence halls:

  • SWAKU offers a wide variety of care packages that family and friends can order for students.
Page Family

Housing and Residence Life

Crest Wellness Center 222
630 Hilltop Circle
Eau Claire, WI 54701
United States